Atlas comes with five page templates by default in all workspaces, but if required you can modify these templates or even create your own! Before starting, you should understand that these templates are modified per workspace, so for existing workspaces these changes will need to be done manually for each one. If you are creating workspace templates using ConneX Studio you can modify the page templates within your source workspace template to ensure workspaces created from the template have the changes and bespoke page templates by default.
Modify existing templates
To get started, go to the workspace you'd like to make changes to; either an existing workspace or a ConneX Studio template you are building or updating.
- Go to the Settings cogwheel in the top right and choose Site contents:
- At the bottom of the list, click on the Site Pages library. Inside the library, open the Templates folder. Here you will see the five default templates. Click on the one you want to modify to open the page:
- You'll now see the page, including a banner at the top which confirms that you are editing the template rather than a regular content page:
- Now you can simply edit the template page like any other page; adding or removing sections, web parts and specific configurations. Click Edit page template to get started:
- After making the required changes, click Save page template to save your changes:
Now when you go to create a page using Add It using the template you modified, the resulting page will include all your changes.
Creating new templates
To get started, go to the workspace you'd like to make changes to; either an existing workspace or a ConneX Studio template you are building or updating.
- Go to the Settings cogwheel in the top right and choose Site contents:
- At the bottom of the list, click on the Site Pages library. Inside the library, open the Templates folder. Here you will see the five default templates. Click the ellipsis (...) on the one you want to modify, then click Copy to:
- Make sure you copy the template to the same folder Templates in the Site Pages library so that it will be recognised correctly as a template rather than a standard page - this will be the default folder shown so you should just be able to click Copy here, but you should double check that the right folder is shown in the breadcrumb:
- Once you have made your copy, click the ellipsis (...) and click Details at the bottom of the list. In the panel that opens on the right, scroll down to the Properties section and click Edit all:
- First, update the Title near the top. You don't want to duplicate the title of the page you copied, so change it to something descriptive based on how your template will be used.
- Next, scroll down to the very bottom of the panel and change the Name of the page. This is just a filename so it is not as important as the title, but still useful to give a descriptive name.
- Save your changes in the edit panel, then close it. Click on the name of your copied template to open the page. You'll now see the page, including a banner at the top which confirms that you are editing the template rather than a regular content page:
- Now you can simply edit the template page like any other page; adding or removing sections, web parts and specific configurations. Click Edit page template to get started:
- After making the required changes, click Save page template to save your changes:
Now when you go to create a page using Add It you will see the template you modified as an additional (sixth) option. The resulting page will include all your templated sections, web parts and configuration.
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