The "In Focus Verticals" web part in Atlas can be added to a page and linked to an In Focus web part to provide the end user with some additional buttons on the UI that can be clicked to change the results being shown. This could mean changing the results set entirely, such as switching between Documents and News, or simply applying different sets of refiners or search terms. Verticals are applied to the results when clicked, after which the user can still use the refiners or search box (if available on that page) to further filter the results.
In this article:
Listing Page Default Verticals
The Default verticals are shown to the right of the search box and above the refinement bar on all Atlas Listing Pages. These defaults verticals are All Items and Related Items, with the "Related Items" vertical filtering based on the workspace you are viewing from.
In this example, the All Documents vertical is the default which applies no additional refiners. The Related Documents vertical takes into account the metadata tags of the current Atlas workspace and only shows documents which match those tags. This does not restrict which workspace the documents can come from, only the tags they need to have.
Other Listing pages such as Knowledge and Events have the same defaults, and some Listing pages such as People do not have any default verticals applied.
Choose the display style for Verticals
You can choose between Button and Tab item styles for the Verticals in the configuration panel for the web part using the following setting:
Custom Verticals
If the Default Verticals do not meet your specific requirement, you can configure your own to match against specific metadata values, or to match the item metadata to your Atlas User Preferences. This is considered Advanced Configuration.
To learn how to configure your own custom verticals, please see: Configure custom In Focus Verticals
If you still have questions or need assistance setting these up please contact your CSM or support team.
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