The following document is a Help Document that will help customers fill in the Atlas deployment information form that will help in the Deployment of Version 5.4+ of Atlas. This form will explain in detail what each question in the form is and how to answer the questions asked.
You can find the form here: Atlas deployment information (Atlas 5.4) (
Form Questions and Definitions
The following is the list of the questions asked in the Form and a definition for each as well as detailed instructions on how to gather information to answer the form.
Full Name
Full Name of the Person inside your Organization that is responsible for the new ATLAS Deployment (be this a New ATLAS Deployment or an Upgrade of the existing ATLAS to Version 5.4+). This data is informative and used to identify the Person who will be in charge for the deployment of ATLAS within your organization.
Organization Name
Organization Name, name of the Company (Organization) where ATLAS is deployed. This data is informative and used to identify the organization.
Environment, where the Atlas deployment is located or to be deployed. Production or Non-Production. Select the appropriate environment option.
Initial Azure AD Domain
ConneX.adDomain, the organization’s Azure Active Directory Domain Name. This is the domain name that was defined when the Azure AD Tenant was setup.
To access this information from your tenant:
- open your browser in the Azure Portal (
- Select the Azure Active Directory Service.
- On the left navigation pane, select Custom domain names under Manage. Here you will see all the custom domains assigned to your tenant. One of which will have the initial domain name <domainname> This domain is the initial domain name that was created when the azure tenant was created.
- When you select this domain from the list you will see in the Type field Initial.
- Type in the full domain name in the Form (
NOTE: The domain referred to here is from the Microsoft 365 Tenant. This tenant may be different from that where the Subscription with Resource Group was or will be created.
Atlas Environment Name
ConneX.atlasEnvironmentName is an abbreviation used to define the atlas deployment environment. For example Production or User Acceptance Testing. This value will be used to compose the names of the resources and the URLs of the function App and APIs during deployment, as well as, for other resources. When updating Atlas you may wish to verify the Resource Names in the Resource Group to verify the Environment Name that was used in the current version:
- Open your browser in the Azure Portal (
- Select Subscriptions under Manage, click on your Subscription, then with the subcription choose Resource Groups. Open the Atlas Resource Group (starting with rg) and you will see the Deployed Resources within. These Resource Names will have the Environment Name in the Last part of the Name. You will use this for this value.
For a new deployment of Atlas, the Environment Name will also be part of the Resource Group Name in Question 8 of this form. You will need to type in a maximum of 4 characters that represents the environment (prod – Production or uat – User Acceptance Testing).
Company Name Acronym
ConneX.clientAcronym this is your company name acronym. E.g. If your company name is Microsoft you could use the acronym msft. Maximum length of the answer is 6 characters.
This value will be used to compose the names of the resources and the URLs of the function App and APIs during deployment, as well as, for other resources. When updating Atlas you may wish to verify the Resource Names in the Resource Group to verify the Environment Name that was used in the current version:
- Open your browser in the Azure Portal (
- Select Subscriptions under Manage, click on your Subscription, then with the subcription choose Resource Groups. Open the Atlas Resource Group (starting with rg) and you will see the Deployed Resources within. These Resource Names will have the Company Name Acronym in the Second from Last part of the Name. You will use this for this value.
For a new deployment of Atlas, the Company Name Acronym will also be part of the Resource Group Name in Question 8 of this form. This same acronym can be used when defining the Resource Group Name (e.g. rs-atlas-msft-prod) in Question 8.
SharePoint Administrator Account ID
ConneX.office365AdminUserId is the Object ID of a user account with a SharePoint Administrator Role. This user account will also be added as Owner in the Atlas Configuration Workspace during deployment.
- Open your browser in the Azure Portal (
- Select the Azure Active Directory Azure Service.
- On the left navigation pane, select Users under Manage
- Select the User Account from the list of users.
- You can Copy and Paste the Object ID of the User into the Form.
SharePoint Administrator UPN
ConneX.office365AdminUserUpn is the User Principal Name of the User Account used in the previous question.
NOTE: The user’s UPN could be of a Custom domain ( in your tenant and does not have to be the Initial domain ( as the example image above shows. Use the UPN for the user as it appears in the Azure Portal.
Microsoft 365 Tenant ID
ConneX.office365TenantId this is the Tenant ID associated with Azure AD of your Microsoft 365 (the tenant where your M365 Users are located).
NOTE: The domain referred to here is from the Microsoft 365 Tenant. This tenant may be different from that where the Subscription with Resource Group was or will be created.
- Open your browser in the Azure Portal (
- Select the Azure Active Directory Azure
- Copy and Paste the Tenant ID from the Overview in the Azure AD Tenant.
Azure Resource Region
ConneX.resourcesLocation is the Region where all Resources will be deployed within the Resource Group. Even though Resource Groups may have a region defined, the resources deployed within the Resource Group can be deployed in a different region from that of the Resource Group.
If Upgrading ATLAS you can review in which Region the deployed resources are currently located.
- Open your browser in the Azure Portal (
- Select the Resource Groups
- Select the specific subscription where the Resource Group is in, or you can select all your subscriptions and apply a search by name (locate the Resource Group Name in Question 8 of this form).
- Once the Resource Group is selected you will see the Resources within and can verify in the list where these resources are currently deployed.
- Select the same Region Location as where the Resources are currently deployed.
If you are deploying ATLAS for the first time:
- You may wish to select a region close to your organization.
If selecting Other on the form enter the Region Display name in the text box. Choose the Right Azure Region for You | Microsoft Azure
- Once completed all the questions in the form, select the Submit button to transmit your answers to ClearPeople.
What happens next?
After you submit your form, ClearPeople will review you Form answers and process these to generate a csv file. You will then be contacted by ClearPeople who will provide you with:
- A file named “Variable_Group.csv” with the processed Form answers, specific for your deployment.
- A compressed “Deployment Files” folder with the necessary scripts to Deploy Atlas.
- An Atlas X.X Runbook with instructions on how to deploy Atlas. This runbook will either be:
- An Upgrade Runbook. If you are Upgrading from a previous version of Atlas.
- A Deployment Runbook. If you are installing Atlas X.X for the first time.
NOTE: Please allow for 24/48 hours for these items to be made available to you.
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