Please note that Delve is being deprecated by Microsoft. We do not believe they intend to replace it with anything, rather you will just use the Profile cards to update information. We will update this article once we know the new situation.
User Profiles for Atlas are provided by Delve in Microsoft 365 and can be accessed via a People Listing or by opening Delve from the App Launcher. To edit your profile, click the Update profile button on the Delve page. Editable properties, including profile picture, are determined by your organisation, so there may be some restrictions.
- While a number of these fields are always set in Active Directory and cannot be edited, you can edit the following information stored in the SharePoint profile;
- Basic Information
- About me, Ask me about
- Contact Information
- Phone, Fax numbers
- Details
- Past projects, Skills, Schools, Birthday, Interests
- You can use the menu on the left to move between sections, and look for editable areas or Edit links to see where you can make changes:
- Basic Information
- Some sections have Save buttons and generally the change is reflected in this view immediately, so you know it has changed:
- Other sections are updated as soon as you add an item, for example Skills and expertise, Schools and education and Interests and hobbies:
- After a period of time the changes made will be reflected in the People Search results across Microsoft 365 and within Atlas, but users visiting your Delve profile will see the updated information immediately.
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