The "In Focus" web part in Atlas is used as the basis for many other web parts that can be added to pages with specific configurations. Once you have added an In Focus web part to a page you may find that it returns more results than you want to show on your specific page.
The In Focus web part can be paired with an In Focus Filters web part to allow users to apply filtering themselves, but sometimes you want to apply the filtering by default to curate which items are shown to users visiting your page.
A list of In Focus web parts can be found here: In Focus web parts
Full documentation of all configuration options for In Focus can be found here: Configuration for In Focus web parts
In this article:
Apply filters using Atlas metadata
Set up In Focus components on a page
To apply and save filters to an In Focus component you will need an In Focus component and a matching In Focus Filters component on your page connected together. In this example we will assume these components have already been linked together on your page. Remember to use the Filters component that best matches the content you are displaying e.g. Documents Filters for documents.
Edit the page and apply filters
Put your page into Edit mode, then simply use the In Focus Filters component to apply the specific filters you want to the results in the In Focus component. You will see the filters applied to the results in real time so you can verify that you have applied the correct filters to return the results you want:
Once you have the correct filters applied and are seeing the results you're expecting, edit the In Focus component that shows the results. In the edit panel on the right hand side go to the second page and you will see the Search settings for the component.
Scroll down in the Search settings until you see the Refinement Filters box, and underneath it click the button Apply selected filters to save those filters directly to the In Focus component and you will see some text appear in the box which represents the filters you set:
You can now save or publish the page if you want to allow users to continue to filter within the results, but if you want to only display your specific filtered list you can remove the In Focus Filters component and then save or publish the page. Your saved filters will remain applied to the In Focus component either way.
Apply filters based on Managed Properties
Filters based on Managed Properties allow you to use either Atlas columns or custom columns you may have created, but for custom columns a SharePoint Administrator will need to map your custom column to a Managed Property before you can use it for filtering.
Determine the Managed Property you need
To apply a filter to return only the results matching a certain metadata tag, first you should determine which field you want to filter by. For this example I will use Department which is an Atlas field, but to configure with a custom column you will need to first ensure that column has been mapped to a Managed Property by a SharePoint Admininstrator in the SharePoint Search configuration.
In our case, using Department, our Managed Property reference is RefinableString133. Now that we have this, we can Edit the In Focus web part on our page and configure the filter. For a custom field you will need to know which Refinable String it has been mapped to.
Configure the filter
- Edit your page, then edit the In Focus web part you want to filter by clicking the "pencil" icon to the left of the web part
- A panel will appear on the right of the page which has all the configuration options. At the bottom of the panel, use the paging control to go to Page 2
- On page 2 of the panel, scroll down to the Refinement Filters field. In this field you can use the Managed Property and a specific value to filter the items returned, for example:
- The filter above will ensure the web part only returns items with a Department tag value of "Sales". To see the new set of results, click out of the Refinement Filters field and you will see the web part load the new results set. Bear in mind that you may need to save the page as a draft to force the update, then you can re-enter edit mode.
- Once you are happy with the results returned, make sure you publish your page to save your changes.
Still need help?
If you need assistance setting up filtering in your Atlas environment please contact support or your CSM.
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