In order to Share the flow with different users, there are 2 simple steps that need to be completed:
1. Share the connection
The connection created from the Atlas ConneX Connector should be shared with the users that are going to use the flow.
Go to , open Data section, click in Connections and in all Atlas ConneX Connections click Share adding the relevant users that are going to use it.
When you click in Share, for the added users you can specify the following permission levels
Can use (This is the minimum permission and is sufficient for most users)
Can use + share,
Can edit
2. Share the flow
The flow that was created previously should be shared with the relevant users as well.
From My flows click in the Share button for the required flow and share it.
You would need to add the relevant users/groups to the Owners section.
With both the Connection and the Flow shared with a User, that User can see and execute the flow from where it is added e.g. a list
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