30th May 2022 @ 12:00
Microsoft has left an update regarding this in Service Health stating that this is now resolved. Their response is as follows:
Scope of impact: This issue may have potentially affected any of your users attempting to create new teams within the Microsoft Teams admin center or via the Microsoft Graph API.
Start time: Thursday, May 26, 2022, 11:45 PM (9:45 PM UTC)
End time: Friday, May 27, 2022, 8:43 PM (6:43 PM UTC)
Root cause: A recent update to service components facilitating team creation contained a code regression that was causing a sync issue and resulting in impact.
Next steps: - We're assessing our service update procedures to better understand how the regression wasn't identified during testing and validation, which will allow us to prevent similar impact in the future. This is the final update for the event.
We have tested affected tenants internally and can confirm that workspaces are provisioning as expected.
If you had a workspace that failed to provision, select "Show Error" and attempt a Retry.
27th May 2022 @ 16:30
This morning we detected in several ClearPeople tenants that all new workspaces created through Connex, with Teams associated, are failing to provision (even after multiple retries).
After checking on the Teams administration centre we detected recently created Teams are showing with a warning
This is also affecting Teams created from the Teams UI (Web/Desktop). In this scenario, Teams appear to create properly from the UI, but then are showing the same issue in the Teams Administration centre.
Our early analysis from the ATLAS team points to a failing API that cannot retrieve certain Teams information that is used in the provisioning of workspaces in ConneX (hence why It creates the Team, but then fails to complete the site provisioning in SharePoint)
Thus far our investigation indicates this is has been caused by a Microsoft change that is starting to hit 365 Tenants.
ClearPeople will be raising a ticket to Microsoft for this. Any clients who encounter this issue are urged to raise a Microsoft ticket from their own Tenant and to share the details to us for escalation under our Partner Scheme
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