After you have configured Quick Add It for a Documents web part you may want to enable the ability for your users to pick a specific "type" of document to add. This can be configured such that a document can be added directly to a specific folder in the library.
Please be aware that this configuration can only be used with Document libraries - not with lists or other types of library.
In this article:
Add channels or folders
To get started you'll need multiple folders in your document library to send the documents to. This can be achieved by either adding new Channels using Microsoft Teams which will create new folders in the library automatically, or by just directly creating the new folders in the library.
Configure Quick Add It to point to your folders
- Go to the page with the In Focus web part where you want to configure this feature
- Edit the page, then edit the Documents In Focus web part
- Enable Quick Add It for this web part (if not already enabled) by following the steps here - Enable Quick Add It for an In Focus web part
- With Quick Add It enabled, click on Configure types below the toggle:
- If you added the right web part, you should see an entry for "Document":
- In the darker grey row below this, you can configure more types pointing to specific folders in the Documents library. First, choose Other from the "Type" dropdown.
- Click the Edit configuration button that appears. A panel will appear on the right where you can set up the first option pointing to a folder. Choose the Documents library, then the Target folder, then the Content type. If you are using Atlas content types simply leave this as "File Item", otherwise choose your custom content type.
- Click Apply at the bottom of the panel. Back on the previous screen, click the Edit labels button to the right, and set the name of the content type to be shown in the Quick Add It menu:
- If you need to set up translations for this feature you can do that now. Otherwise just click Add and save then back on the first screen click Add and save again.
- If you need to change the order now, click Configure types again and you'll see the order can now be set for your new item on the left.
- Save the page you've been editing - you won't see the changes before saving.
If you've followed all these steps, when clicking New on the Documents web part you'll see all the options you configured:
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