By default, In Focus web parts match your search terms using full words, and do not allow the user to use partial keywords unless they add the wildcard (*) symbol in their query. For example, the search term "atla" will not find results matching the word "atlas", but the user could search "atla*" instead and find "atlas" results.
However, it is possible to configure In Focus on a per-web part basis to automatically assume that the user is using partial keywords.
In this article:
Edit the In Focus web part
If you are not using Verticals with the In Focus web part, follow these steps:
- Edit the page containing the In Focus Results web part you want to configure. This could be a Listing page, or just any Atlas page including an In Focus Results web part paired with a Search Box web part.
- Edit the In Focus Results web part
- If your web part is connected to an In Focus Verticals web part (such as the default Atlas Listing pages), you will need to modify each vertical. In this case please click here to go to the next section: Edit the In Focus Verticals web part
- If you have no verticals, open the Search section of the In Focus configuration panel:
- In the Search section find the Query template. You may have just the {searchTerms} token as below, or you may have a more complex query:
> becomes >
- Whichever is the case, you should simply add the wildcard (*) directly after the {searchTerms} token without a space. If you have a more complex query, ensure you don't remove any of the other text. For example:
> becomes >
- Users will now find that they are able to use partial keywords without adding the wildcard (*) symbol themselves.
Edit the In Focus Verticals web part
If you are using Verticals with this In Focus web part, you do not need to modify the query in the In Focus web part itself. Instead, follow these steps:
- Edit the page containing the web parts you want to configure. Edit the In Focus Verticals web part and click the Configure button in the right hand panel:
- For each Vertical, you'll need to modify the Query template by clicking the "pencil" icon:
- You may have many Verticals here depending on your configuration, so click the pencil one the first line to get started. A window will appear:
- In each Query template, you may have just the {searchTerms} token as above, or you may have a more complex query. Whichever is the case, you should simply add the wildcard (*) directly after the {searchTerms} token without a space. If you have a more complex query, ensure you don't remove any of the other text. For example:
- {searchTerms} becomes {searchTerms}*
- {searchTerms} RefinableString147:"IT" becomes {searchTerms}* RefinableString147:"IT"
- Make sure you Save the updated Query template for each Vertical as you go. Once you're done, click Save on the Configure search verticals panel to save all your changes.
- Users will now find that they are able to use partial keywords without adding the wildcard (*) symbol themselves.
Still need help?
If you're having any issues configuring this feature please get in touch with our support team.
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