The possibility to display an Atlas Mandatory Reads webpart for users has been available for some time, where any specified content read by the user will be recorded against their SharePoint profile. Previously, to view this data you had to run a report in tyGraph or run a script to export the data but now we're bringing this functionality inside Atlas so that content owners and editors can quickly view who has read each mandatory read!
For a quick overview of the existing Mandatory Reads functionality, please check the following articles:
Please note that when creating a Mandatory Read task that you intend to report on, you must populate the Content Targeting field, so if you need to target and report on a task for all users you should target a group containing all users. You could use the built in group "Everyone except external users" for this if you don't have another suitable AD group.
If you forget to add an AD group to begin with, one can be added to the Content Targeting later by editing the Mandatory Read item from the list in Site Contents. This will enable the reporting, and will include data from users completing the task before and after you added the group.
Viewing reports for Mandatory Read tasks
If you an owner of the workspace where the Mandatory Read is shown, or an Owner or Creator of the Mandatory Read task, you will be able to access the report in two different ways:
- Firstly, if the task is currently being shown on a page you can simply access the report from the Report page link on the card. Click this link to access the list of reports in the current workspace:
- Alternatively, if you are not currently showing any tasks, you can still see the reports for previous tasks by going to Site Contents > Site Pages and opening Mandatory-reads-report.aspx.
Each report has a tile showing the task metadata, audience, number of users who completed the task and links to generate and download the reports:
From here you can perform the following actions:
- Click the title to view the document or page users were asked to read
- Click on See more next to the target audience to see the users or groups assigned to the task
- When a report has not been generated yet, you can click Generate report. This will then be submitted for processing and you will receive an email when it is ready.
- Please note that the more users completed the task, the longer it will take to process.
- When a report was already generated, you will see the button label changes to Generate new report. Click this to re-generate the report including all the latest data - again when the report is ready you will recieve an email.
- When a report was already generated, you can access the most recent report by clicking the download icon below the "generate" button. The date the report was generated is shown next to the download button.
- Earlier versions of the report can be accessed via the link in the email when it was originally generated, but not via the UI. The UI only shows the latest version to avoid confusion.
- If the Generate report button is greyed out, that is usually because you have not selected a target audience for the task. However, we still track the users completing the task, so you can edit the task itself and add a target audience (e.g. Everyone except external users) to allow the report to be generated.
- Alternatively, if the task is Completed then no new responses can be added, so no new reports can be generated.
The generated reports are Excel files containing all the data for each completion of the task. You may wish to spend some time formatting the report but please note this will only apply to the report file you downloaded. The Excel file includes the following information for each task completion:
- Name (username)
- Department (of the user)
- Location (of the user)
- "Confirmed" status (always TRUE if shown in the report)
- Date of Confirmation
- Mandatory Read Name (all entries in one report will be for the same task)
- Workspace Name (where the task was created)
- Link to the document (or page - whatever the user was asked to read).
Peter Harrison how do I access the report if task is completed?
Hi Kasia Wisniewska
You can always access the reports page for a specific workspace by going to Site Contents > Site Pages > Mandatory-reads-report.aspx. I'll add this detail to the article above.
Thanks for your question!
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